
Brains for cooking – Cooking for your brains

Tag: delicious

Nifty Noodles: My creamy green pesto with tagliatelle.

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When the days are cold and dark like today, nothing beats coming home to a bowl of steaming pasta, immersed in a creamy sauce. Take off your shoes, throw your coat on the floor and let go. However stressful your day. When comfort is over due, I rely on a trusty old friend to nourish my heart and mind. Pesto. The green sauce of crushed basil, mashed pine nuts and soft cheese, enriched with a good olive oil and the lightness of lemon juice, has its special kind of magic. While I like my pesto vibrant and strong on a hot summer’s day, my winter pesto takes on more subtle notes. Creamy and soft, mild and rich, my creamy green pesto with tagliatelle is done in a spell. Take the extra minute or two, to make this most comforting of all sauces. You are finally home.
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Godly Greens: My braised celeriac.

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An incredibly tender texture, complex flavours, a good brown on the outside and a brilliant gravy to serve with it all. Sunday roasts make for happy hearts and full stomachs. Especially if no-one has to die for them. Beautifully seared on the outside and creamy on the inside, my braised celeriac makes for a good alternative to any roast. Served with a beautiful rich sauce, I’ll have this brown beauty instead of a roast any day.

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Godly Greens: My green beans with béchamel sauce.

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Hearty meals. Large cups of tea, infused with honey and lemon. The smell of wet leafs wherever you go. Autumn and its storms is my favourite season. Stuck between the abundance of summer and the silence of winter, it has rich and hearty crops to offer and the time to eat them right. In autumn there are no places you have to be, only the warmth of your home and an abundant dinner table. I like the food of autumn, the richness of sauces and the heartiness of meals. But, all this heaviness might sometimes bear heard on your stomach and soul. A little lightness goes a long way. My green beans with béchamel sauce is the perfect autumn meal. Tender greens, coated in a light sauce, is all it takes to make any grey day great.

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Brilliant Breakfast: Runny eggpockets with butter-baked soldiers.

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The first light of the day is breaking through my windows. Tickling my nose. I drag my blanket up to my cold nose,so that I can still watch the people outside rushing by. I slide out of bed, into my most comfortable pants and thickest socks. This is a morning to be cherished. A quick trip to the kitchen. Cut some bread, fry an egg. Back to bed. There is nothing I love more than cutting into an egg-pocket and to watch the yolk run out on a Sunday morning that is made to be spent in bed, watching your favourite show. Crunchy slices of toast dipped into runny yolks. Mornings don’t come much better than this.
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Delicious Deserts: My pancakes with oven-poached plums.

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The skies are hanging grey and low today. Most of the trees in front of my window have finally lost their leafs and those that hadn’t, have been bent and broken by last week’s storm. People rush by, wrapped in thick coats, wearing silly hats. Red nosed and unappreciative of the beauty of autumn. It’s moments like these, where I sit in front of my window, wearing my thickest socks, spooning hot plum syrup over waver thin pancakes, that I feel at peace with the world. And for a few minutes my busy schedule expands and it is only me and a stack of pancakes, filled with succulent and tender plums, served drowned in a sticky sauce that tastes like cinnamon and that is warm. And my life is wonderful.

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Busy bites: Hummus with grilled greens.

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Comfort food does not only need to be delicious, it also needs to be done in a spell, as not to cause even more discomfort. I love silky and smooth textures to ease my mind and the combination of rich and subtle flavours to refresh my batteries. Hummus has it all, it’s light and cramy, smooth and rich and it contrasts beautifully with the edge of grilled greens. Done in a little under 20 minutes (which comprises mainly of waiting and observing bubbles forming) it should be a staple in any kitchen. Just make a bunch ahead and enjoy this hearty meal whenever hunger strikes.

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Godly Greens: My grilled autumn vegetables.

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Autumn is rich in colours. Tables at the green-grocers are creaking under the weight of buckets full of purple, yellow and the whitest carrots and the piles of pumpkins have been growing to immense sizes lately. I think that all this autumn abundance deserves to be enjoyed on its own. Not as a side-cast to a beautifully roasted pork belly. My grilled autumn vegetables are a celebration of the season. The meatiness of the grilled pumpkin and the subtle sweetness of the grilled carrots, served with a vinaigrette of lemon juice, olive oil and coriander. It’s hearty and light, it’s warm and refreshing. Autumn is here to warm your heart.

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Posh Potatoes: My sliced baked potatoes.

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Crispy on the outside, soft on the inside – a sunday potato lunch doesn’t come any better than my sliced baked potatoes. This absolute low maintenance dish makes for the perfect supper on a cold autumn day. Just a bit of potato, créme fraîche and chives. This is comfort-food.

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Fancy Fish: My panfried gambas served with leek three ways and an aromatic beurre blanc.

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Sometimes you feel all posh and fancy. And that’s alright. In a way every one of us is a little princess… or something like that. It is in moments like these, when a bit of decadence feels just right. My panfried gambas served with leek three ways and an aromatic beurre blanc is decadent. It is also very minimalistic. Leek, gambas, butter and a bit of potato, that’s all this is. But given a bit of thought and time. This dish will make your own dinner-table feel like a three starred restaurant. Be brave and give it a go, even if you fail, this dish will be incredible delicious.

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Godly Greens: Chinese Broccoli in an oyster and rice-wine sauce.

dressed kai lan 1 - IMG_2176A plate with a pile of fresh, steaming vegetables and a big saucer filled with a luscious sauce. Food doesn’t get any better than this. My chinese broccoli in an oyster and rice-wine sauce is just the right thing for warming your heart and body after a night of fun and a few too many drinks. The tender chinese broccoli, called kai lan, dressed with a most aromatic sauce made out of vegan oyster sauce and the decadent shiaoxing wine, infused with garlic, shallots and grilled red chilli is a perfect dish for a sunny Sunday lunch. Have a go at this 10 minute recipe and you won’t eat your greens any other way.
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